General Board Through the Years
Each year there are student leaders elected to UPB leadership. Check out below to see who held what positions during a particular year.
List Student Leaders Elected Through the Years
- 2020-2021
Zach Mlekush
President -
Meghan Escamilla
Vice President -
Justin Monarrez
Director of Finance -
Adarius Blake
Director of Marketing & Communication -
Cassady Smith
Director of Operations -
Jordonnay Scott
Director of Strategic Planning -
Lucky Deutsch
Arts & Entertainment Chairperson -
Peyton Weiss
Center Stage Chairperson -
Caleb Mangruem & Danielle Agbonif
Enrichment Chairperson -
Breanne Evans
Graphic Design Chairperson -
Alyssa Velazquez
Late Night Chairperson -
Jeremy Gavin
Marketing & Promotions Chairperson -
Erica Bobrowski
Social & Recreation Chairperson
- 2019-2020
Gus Winters
President -
Gabriella Vazquez
Vice President -
Blake Whittle
Director of Finance -
Alex Campbell
Director of Marketing & Communication -
Alberto Corona
Director of Operations -
Larry Bender
Director of Strategic Planning -
Meghan Escamilla
Arts & Entertainment Chairperson -
Zach Mlekush
Center Stage Chairperson -
Isaac Hollis
Enrichment Chairperson -
Alexandria Agee
Graphic Design Chairperson -
Paige Malloy
Late Night Chairperson -
Danielle Gearhart
Marketing & Promotions Chairperson -
Danielle Trlak & Cassady Smith
Social & Recreation Chairperson -
Claire Meyer
Spirit & Transitions Chairperson
- 2018-2019
Brandon Moran
President -
Abby Poehls
Vice President -
Blake Whittle
Director of Finance -
Kelsey Fields
Director of Marketing & Communication -
Breanne Dunfee
Director of Membership Development -
Vicky Bobrowski
Director of Operations -
Cheyenne Thompson
Arts & Entertainment Chairperson -
Gabriella Vazquez
Center Stage Chairperson -
Gus Winters
Enrichment Chairperson -
Rachel Poland
Graphic Design Chairperson -
Katie Carranza
Late Night Chairperson -
Alex Campbell
Marketing & Promotions Chairperson -
Alberto Corona
Social & Recreation Chairperson -
Hannah Greenfield
Spirit & Transitions Chairperson
- 2017-2018
Melissa Hill
President -
Taylor VaBales
Vice President -
Marco Payan
Director of Finance -
Adrienne Fox
Director of Marketing & Communication -
Sara Engstrom
Director of Membership Development -
Carrie LaBotte
Director of Operations -
Hannah Greenfield
Arts & Entertainment Chairperson -
Brandon Moran
Center Stage Chairperson -
Salvador Delgado
Enrichment Chairperson -
Kelsey Fields
Graphic Design Chairperson -
Jasmine Barnes
Late Night Chairperson -
Alex Campbell
Marketing & Promotions Chairperson -
Katlyn Saam
Social & Recreation Chairperson -
Abby Poehls
Spirit & Transitions Chairperson
- 2016-2017
Annelise Mool
President -
Melissa Hill
Vice President -
Michael Minton
Director of Finance -
Caitlin O’Donovan
Director of Marketing & Communication -
Gabriella Trevino
Director of Membership Development -
Carrie LaBotte
Director of Operations -
Kyle Stookey
Arts & Entertainment Chairperson -
Jonathan Bigott
Center Stage Chairperson -
Taylor VaBales
Enrichment Chairperson -
Wesley Moore
Graphic Design Chairperson -
Chloe Ingram
Late Night Chairperson -
Breanne Dunfee
Marketing & Promotions Chairperson -
Abby Poehls
Spirit & Transitions Chairperson -
Jesus Magana
Social & Recreation Chairperson
- 2015-2016
Nicole Bianchi
President -
Lorena Lopez
Vice President -
Robert Weiss
Director of Operations -
Mark Hodges
Director of Membership and Development -
Michael Minton
Director of Finance -
Jordan Crouch
Director of Marketing and Promotions -
Annelise Mool
Arts and Entertainment Chairperson -
Bri Jackson
Center Stage Chairperson -
Melissa HIll
Enrichment Chairperson -
Nick Buegel
Graphics Chairperson -
Justine Mills
Public Relations Chairperson -
Taylor Wendt
Social Media Chairperson -
Gabriella Trevino
Social and Recreation Chairperson -
Amanda Cox
Spirit and Traditions Chairperson
- 2014-2015
Ryan Fernandez
President -
Kelsy Brewer
Vice President -
Mark Hodges
Director of Operations -
Patrick O'Connell
Director of Membership and Development -
Joey Scavelli
Director of Finance -
Maddy Marchini
Director of Marketing and Promotions -
Michael Minton
Arts and Entertainment Chairperson -
Bri Jackson
Center Stage Chairperson -
Lorena Lopez
Enrichment Chairperson -
Emily Klay
Graphics Chairperson -
Brett Gilbert
Public Relations Chairperson -
Jenna Hoffstadt
Social Media Chairperson -
Erin Chaput
Social and Recreation Chairperson -
Nicole Bianchi
Spirit and Traditions Chairperson
- 2013-2014
Luke Vernam
President -
Kelsy Brewer
Vice President -
Ryan Fitzpatrick
Director of Operations -
Patrick O'Connell
Director of Membership and Development -
Dino Scavelli
Director of Finance -
Jarret Jarvis
Director of Marketing and Promotions -
Ashley Yantis
Arts and Entertainment Chairperson -
Jenna Cusumano
Center Stage Chairperson -
Maddy Marchini
Enrichment Chairperson -
Laura Fromme
Graphics Chairperson -
Sarah Clayton
Public Relations Chairperson -
Carter Sward
Social Media Chairperson -
Emily Schultz
Social and Recreation Chairperson -
Ryan Fernandez
Spirit and Traditions Chairperson
- 2012-2013
Andrew Seketa
President -
Gabe Goldsmith
Vice President of Operations -
Danielle Vovos
Vice President of Finance -
Kelly Mitchell
Director of Assessment & Records -
Patrick Donovan
Director of Marketing & Promotions -
Elysia Soria
Director of Membership Development -
Maddy Marchini
Redbird Awareness -
Sarah Cylkowski
Redbird Cinema -
Ben Hubbard
Redbird Days -
Kevin Krauskopf
Redbird Diversity -
Jenna Cusumano
Redbird Entertainment -
Mariaton Tate
Redbird Family -
Luke Sokolowski
Redbird Late Nite -
Ryan Fernandez
Redbird Spirit -
Desiree Bright
Redbird Symposium
- 2011-2012
Kevin Casey
President -
Kelsey Broughton
Vice President of Operations -
Caitlin Maloney
Vice President of Finance -
Jack Micetich and Jackie Murphy
Director of Assessment & Records -
Tyler Streuter
Director of Marketing & Promotions -
Liz Stimac
Director of Membership Development -
Dani Vovos
Redbird Awareness -
Gabe Goldsmith
Redbird Cinema -
Will Clark
Redbird Days -
Han Yee and Kevin Krauskopf
Redbird Diversity -
Nicole Placek
Redbird Entertainment -
Rachel Lewandowski
Redbird Family -
Patrick Donovan
Redbird Graphics -
Jamie Placek
Redbird Late Nite -
Kelly Mitchell
Redbird Spirit -
Jackie Murphy and Emily Stillwell
Redbird Symposium
- 2010-2011
Abe Lopez
President -
Kevin Casey
Vice President -
Casey Meyers
Director of Assessment & Records -
Rachael Jones
Director of Development -
Carlos Trejo
Director of Marketing & Promotions -
Meg Murphy
Director of Membership -
Denton Forner and Aleea Bowman
Redbird Awareness -
Nicole Mitchell
Redbird Cinema -
Liz Stimac
Redbird Days -
Kelsey Broughton
Redbird Diversity -
Justin Karch and Nicole Placek
Redbird Entertainment -
Danny Becker and Rachel Lewandowski
Redbird Family -
Patrick Donovan
Redbird Graphics -
Jamie Placek
Redbird Late Nite -
Jack Micetich
Redbird Spirit -
David Schiller
Redbird Symposium
- 2009-2010
Cassi Lund
President -
Katie Pratt
Vice President -
Kelsey Schmalz
Director of Assessment & Records -
Jackie Schuessler
Director of Development -
Michelle Hulbert
Director of Marketing & Promotions -
Joe Willis
Director of Membership -
Amanda Howell
Redbird Awareness -
Christina Koch
Redbird Cinema -
Liz Stimac
Redbird Days -
Abe Lopez
Redbird Diversity -
Kevin Casey
Redbird Entertainment -
Rachael Jones
Redbird Family -
Brianna Kuhn
Redbird Graphics -
Meghan Reilly
Redbird Late-Nite -
Meg Murphy
Redbird Spirit -
Amy Dina
Redbird Symposium
- 2008-2009
Kevin Parkinson
President -
Casey Meyers
Vice President -
Jackie Schuessler
Director of Assessment & Records -
Michelle Hulbert
Director of Development -
Rachel Cobb
Director of Marketing & Promotions -
Billy Quigley
Director of Membership -
Katie Pratt
Redbird Awareness -
Christina Koch
Redbird Cinema -
Kathleen Rose
Redbird Days -
Abe Lopez
Redbird Diversity -
Kevin Casey
Redbird Entertainment -
Becky Murphy
Redbird Family -
David Wuthrich
Redbird Graphics -
Brandon Glaser
Redbird Late-Nite -
Jaymie Rowe
Redbird Spirit -
Cassi Lund
Redbird Symposium
- 2007-2008
Jill Camper
President -
Charley Shroyer
VP of Administration -
Rachel Lindenmuth
VP of Finance -
Anna Hanna
VP of Marketing -
Josh Sukow
VP of Membership -
Isamari Mandujano
Redbird Awareness -
Adam Bauer
Redbird Cinema -
Kay Uy
Redbird Days -
Jarrell Jackson
Redbird Diversity -
Kevin Parkinson
Redbird Entertainment -
Jackie Schuessler
Redbird Family -
Skylar Guimond
Redbird Graphics -
Casey Meyers
Redbird Late-Nite -
Laura Mueller
Redbird Spirit -
Andy Bauer & Cassi Lund
Redbird Symposium
- 2006-2007
Becky Hughes
President -
Marla Goldberg
VP of Administration -
Ryan Osolin
VP of Finance -
Ryan Cekander
VP of Marketing -
Zach Messersmith
VP of Membership -
Jill Camper
Redbird Cinema -
Kay Uy
Redbird Days -
Jazlyn Styles
Redbird Diversity -
Kevin Parkinson
Redbird Entertainment -
Sarah Alber
Redbird Extensions (Awareness) -
Courtney Moore
Redbird Family -
Rachel Lindenmuth
Redbird Nights (Late Nite) -
Josh Sukow
Redbird Series (Symposium) -
Charley Shroyer
Redbird Spirit
- 2005-2006
Ryan Cunningham
President -
Sara Blumberg
VP of Administration -
Megan Goode
VP of Finance -
Becky Hughes
VP of Marketing -
Zach Messersmith
VP of Membership -
James Hultgren and Julie Snoreck
Redbird Cinema -
Maria Pulice
Redbird Days -
Darion Page
Redbird Diversity -
Jillian Davidson
Redbird Entertainment -
Zach Jeremiah
Redbird Extensions (Awareness) -
Courtney Moore
Redbird Family -
Laura Bosi
Redbird Nights (Late Nite) -
Kurtis Stange
Redbird Series (Symposium) -
Rachel Lindenmuth
Redbird Spirit
- 2004-2005
Darion Page
President -
Annie Cadmus
VP of Administration -
Ryan Cunningham
VP of Finance -
Becky Hughes
VP of Marketing -
Chris Worrick
VP of Membership -
Zach Messersmith
Redbird Cinema -
James Hultgren
Redbird Days -
Candice Teague and Jamar Jefferson
Redbird Diversity -
Jillian Davidson
Redbird Entertainment -
Sarah Blumberg and Tim Cartensen
Redbird Extensions (Awareness) -
Courtney Moore
Redbird Family -
Laura Bosi and Ashley Morris
Redbird Nights (Late Nite) -
Allison Lynn and Kurtis Stange
Redbird Series (Symposium) -
Melanie Goodyear
Redbird Life (Spirit)